Wednesday, October 31, 2007

#12 Rollyo

I've spent ages trying to find my way around Rollyo. I suppose it doesn't help that I'm not sure what I expect to happen. I've compiled a short list of book stores so we''ll see what happens. Fingers and toes people.
Rollyo: Joanne

# 11 Library thing

I'm reading this book at the moment and am really enjoying it. It's a pretty sad topic but written with great humour.

How to Talk to a Widower by Jonathan Tropper LibraryThing

#9 Technorati

Found this article in "Technorati". I'm a huge fan of Family Guy so I thought I would put it on my blog. It's not particularly interesting but I don't have much time to go searching for anything else. I am very happy at the ease in which you can post to your blog anything that takes your fancy.

Hollywood Partywatch: Defamer Joins The 'Family Guy' 100th Episode Celebration

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

# 7 Technology Blog

Before I started this course I thought a blog would be a boring, inane forum for people with a very inflated idea of how interesting they, and their ideas, are. I still think that is probably true to a certain extent but I underestimated how interesting it would be to try new things and to read of other people's accomplishments. It's addictive! It's quite exciting when you see someone's comments to something you've written. My son was completely taken with generators, it kept him occupied all evening. He wants his own blog so he can communicate with me.(As we tend to be in the same room a lot of the time I don't know why we can't communicate the old fashioned way!). This course has forcibly opened my eyes to new things as I would not have made the time otherwise.

# 6 Still having fun with Flickr!

My creation
Originally uploaded by joannem1

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

# 10 Using a generator or something!

My creation
Originally uploaded by joannem1
Isn't he gorgeous!

# 5 Sunset above Indian ocean

Sunset above Indian ocean
Originally uploaded by nastiakru
Doing a bit of practice. Would love to be rugged up and walking along this beach rather than sitting here doing this. Oh well, one day!

# 8 Where am I?

Two guys are sharing a hospital room.
"What are you in for?"
"I'm getting a circumcision."
"Damn! I had that done when I was born and I couldn't walk for a year!"

Hilarious joke that I received from my RSS feeder.